Simplified Skin Care

imageA part of my ongoing summer project is to streamline the stuff I put both in and on my body. So far, with the devastating results of my food intolerance test, I’ve been doing a pretty good job of eliminating the 19 THINGS I’m intolerant to. I’m currently working on the stuff that goes on my body. Since skin is the biggest organ, it wouldn’t make sense for me to be vigilant about food but not be the same with what I put topically.

Since it would be too expensive for me to overhaul my entire skincare regimen (what, am I made of money$?), I’ve decided to finish what I currently have unless it contains any big offenders (no more sweet almond oil, karaya gum, or brilliant black) and then buy cleaner more simplified products to replace them.

So at the moment, these are my three newest bebes.

1. La Roche Posay Anthelios XL SPF 50

It took me months to decide on which SPF to get since I was looking into getting one without parabens and all these extra additives. I was even considering making my own, but one of my clients who has extremely sensitive skin swears by this and gave me a sample to try out. I wasn’t sure how I felt spending that much on SPF, but dude this is the skin I live in. If I invest in anything, it should be this right? And I’m happy to report that so far I’m really liking it. I just have to remember to put it on my neck and on the back of my hands as well.

2. Sukin Organics Rosehip Oil

Putting oil on my skin in the middle of summer didn’t sound like the most appealing thing at the start, but I’ve heard too many great things about this oil to wait for the weather to get cooler before I try it out. I’ve consistently been using this for a month now and my skin’s been loving it! I don’t need more than 3 drops to massage onto my entire face, so I have no doubt that this bottle will last me quite a while. I think the act of massaging it onto my face really benefits me as well since it stimulates blood flow.

3. Wedderspoon Manuka Honey w/ Bee Venom

I’ve been searching for manuka honey all over Toronto and boy am I glad I found this. It’s important to find one that is 100% raw and active 12+ or more (this refers to its strength and anti-bacterial properties), so this fits the bill just right. Bee venom is also a great plus as it’s supposed to be natural botox. Hopefully I’m not at the point yet where I need that, but just in case it’s nice to know it’s available. I use a teaspoon to cover my entire face, and if I’m feeling extra fancy I add a bit of turmeric powder in there (a great anti-inflammatory). I leave the mask on for about 15 minutes then make sure to wash it all off to make sure I don’t have any sticky face residue left.

I’m trying to look for an all natural eye cream and cleanser as well, so if you have any suggestions.. I’m all ears!





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